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My Mum grew up in Zimbabwe, with chameleons being present everywhere - so this charm was a must buy. When it arrived today, my Mum said the likeliness to the real animal is incredible - the patterning, facial features and even the curious expression are just perfect for anyone wanting a Chameleon charm.
Very beautiful witch charm, with all the details, I like it so much. My friend who is collecting witches asked me to buy one for her too and she is so happy with it.
Bowtruckle is as cute as in the movies. This charm is smaller and more delicate but I am sure it will make happy any Harry Potter fan. I do strongly recommend the whole Harry Potter charm series and I am hoping to see more of those :)
So beautiful and cute charm, beautifully detailed piece of work, reindeer charm and this satyr charm are my first purchase on Arhaik and I will be ordering more soon, came with handwritten postcard and a sticker beautifully packed, Thank you very much!!!
Very nice sea snail charm. Gary looks exactly like in the SpongeBob serie, very nice piece for the bracelet. I recommend it even if you are searching nice and funny snail charm.